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Investigators Find Human Remains Missing Woman. Ex-NFL player Kevin Ware is a person of interest.

Investigators said late last week that they found human remains during their search for a missing Texas 29-year-old Texas woman Taylor Pomaski, but authorities still haven’t made a positive identification.

A prosecutor in Montgomery County, Texas, has said that Pomaski’s boyfriend, former NFL Player Kevin Ware, 41, was a suspect in a murder investigation over the woman’s suspicious April 25 disappearance, according to KPRC. Witnesses said that Ware and Pomaski had a “violent fight,” according to KTRK. Ware allegedly began to no-show court dates in drug and weapon charges in Montgomery County, and was later arrested for that.

Last Friday, the Harris County Sheriff provided an update about the discovery of human remains amid the search for Pomaski, which is ongoing as of Monday.

“On 12/10/21, HCSO investigators, along with members of Texas EqquSearch, searched & excavated a site in North Harris County,” Sheriff Ed Gonzalez said. “The location was identified during the ongoing investigation into Taylor Pomaski’s disappearance. Investigators located possible remains, that were later determined, by the HC Institute of Forensic Sciences, to be human. At this time, investigators are unclear on the identity of the remains, but investigators believe them to be related to the Pomaski case. Identification of the remains will be carried out by the HC Institute of Forensic Sciences.”

Senior Deputy Thomas Gilliland told Law&Crime they had no new information to release.

“The Institute of Forensic Science will conduct the test on the remains and the toxicology,” he wrote in an email. “It may be a little while before we get the results back.”

No charges have been filed in Pomaski’s disappearence.

Harris County deputies have said that Pomaski was last seen after she went to a party. Her family reported her missing on May 11. Pomaski uncharacteristically did not reach out on Mother’s Day, which is also her father’s birthday, her mother Leslie Mandeville told Inside Edition.

Eric Zuleger, who has been described in various reports as a friend and ex-boyfriend, told KHOU he believed Pomaski was in an abusive relationship.

“Taylor reached out to me many times throughout the month of April,” he said. “We were talking about her getting out of there, getting back on her feet, getting herself set and stabilized.”

Texas EquuSearch describes Pomaski as white with blues eyes, and blonde hair below her shoulders. She stands 5’2″, and weighs 90 pounds to 105 pounds. She had an “Infinity Serenity” tattoo on the front of her hip, they say. Pomaski has a mole above her left eyebrow, and a mole on the left side of her nose, Texas EquuSearch adds.

“It is unknown what color, style or type of clothing that Taylor was wearing at the time of her disappearance,” the group said.

The flyer asked that anyone who has seen Pomaski, knows her whereabouts, or has any information about her disappearance to call the Harris County Sheriff’s Office at (713) 274-9100, or Texas EquuSearch at (281) 309-9500.


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